We are renowned for developing video in various types or formats and go a further step in advising the client the most effective platforms or approaches they should take to get the most for their marketing efforts & budget from their video.

Additionally, we offer:

  • Video strategy
  • Budget creation
  • Creative development and pitching
  • Scriptwriting
  • Storyboarding and outlining Shot lists (the scenes you want to include in your video)
  • Location scouting (looking for places to record your video)
  • Casting & Permits (getting the right cast & necessary permits from your municipality)
  • Equipment prep
  • Transport and rental, and post production services such as file management
  • Motion graphics or animation
  • Recording voice-overs or voice acting
  • Video editing
  • Audio mastering
  • Color grading and Delivering files.

Types of video we produce:

  • Explainer Videos – These types of videos help you educate your target audiences about your services, solutions or even products. These normally are in conjunction with instructions and other help features. These are such as Guides & Walkthroughs.
  • Interviews & Podcasts
  • Social Media Videos - Social media videos tend to be 15–60 seconds and can include text, music, and narration. This type of video is used across social media platforms and does particularly well on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram Reels, and most TikTok alternatives.
  • Promotional Documentary Video Services – These videos range from 1–30 minutes and use interview-driven storytelling. Promotional videos, infomercials, and travel videos typically fall into this category.
  • Product Reviews and Demo videos.
  • Event Videos – Event videos range in time from 30 seconds to 3+ hours and can be a “recap” or event teaser video or a multi-camera production. This type of service is used for lectures, meetings, sports, weddings, performances, and other live events.
  • Commercial/Advertising Videos – Commercials tend to be 30–90 seconds and can be scripted, docu-style, or animated. This type of service might include sponsored content, branded content, pre-roll, etc.
  • Real Estate Video Services – Our Real estate videos are typically under 5 minutes and use tons of filming techniques like drones, sliders, timelapse, and more to create a mouthwatering video experience.
  • Educational Videos – Educational videos are things like explainer videos, PSAs, tutorials, and how-to videos. They can be quick, 30-second videos or longer videos for more in-depth topics.
  • Music Videos – Music video services include exactly what you imagine (a musician lip-syncing to create a video for their music) but they can also be used by other clients when the video doesn’t need an audio story. Trailers and teaser videos may fall into this category.